Join us for the second event of our history series #NADAFullCircle.
May 14th at 10am PDT/11am MDT/12pm CDT/1pm EDT/7pm CET
Moderator: Johanna Fernández | Speakers: Cleo Silvers & Panama Alba
Ticket sales go towards speaker honorariums and supporting a local grassroots member organization. TBA at the event.
The takeover of Lincoln Hospital November 10, 1970, was a pivotal moment in the story of Lincoln Detox. Equally important is what happened next. How did the takeover happen? And how did it lead to Lincoln Detox? What was the programming and structure? In our second installment of our 2021 Community History Dialogue series we’ll hear from the firsthand experience of Cleo Silvers and Panama Alba about the takeover and everything that happened next to set up a Detox Program that served the people of the South Bronx.
About the Speakers
As a community mental health worker and member of the Black Panther Party and Young Lords, Cleo Silvers played key roles in events which led to the 1970 people's takeover of Lincoln Hospital.
Vicente “Panama” Alba was a member of the Young Lords Party and counselor at Lincoln Detox Center in the South Bronx, New York in the 1970s. He now lives in Puerto Rico.
Johanna Fernández is Associate Professor of History at Baruch College (CUNY) and author of The Young Lords: A Radical History on the Puerto Rican counterpart of the Black Panther Party. Her Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) lawsuit against the NYPD, recovered the largest repository of police surveillance records in the country— over one million NYPD surveillance files, including those of Malcolm X. She is a leading member of the movement to bring home Mumia Abu-Jamal and other political prisoners.
Missed the first event?
Watch the recording in advance of this next conversation.
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